Taking back control, one day at a time

Family During the Holidays

Self-Care Planning for Moms to Thrive During the Holidays

October 28, 20237 min read

Tis the season to be jolly!  What a ride we are about to embark on as we go through the holiday season.  With so much happening, it can help to have self-care planning in place as a guide.

As busy moms, taking care of yourself is probably the last thing to do on your to-do list.  But just remember it is harder to care for others when we do not take care of ourselves.

Continue reading to learn about different types of self-care and what you can do during the holidays to practice it.

Family During my Holiday

Self-Care During the Holidays

Physical Self-Care for Moms

Physical self-care is the foundation of overall wellbeing as we nurture our bodies with love and attention.

With the weather getting cooler, it may make being outdoors more enjoyable for some.  This is a great time to take morning or evening walks.  Walking can help support healthy physical wellbeing.

As mothers, it is also important that we pay close attention to what we are eating during this time with plenty of food options.

You may find yourself more tempted to eat more than usual or eat things you do not normally eat.  Don’t beat yourself up over it, but remember your limits.

One last suggestion when it comes to physical self-care is to wear clothes that you feel good in.  It can be helpful to pull a few pieces aside that you can turn to when you want to feel comfortable and look good.

Mental Self-Care for Moms

Caring for our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

During this time of year, we are likely to bring more into our homes between decorations, buying more for the kids, and just the normal in and out things.

One self-care activity that supports your mental wellbeing is creating a clean and organized home.  But if you do not have the time to do your whole home, you can start with just one small area.  Watch how it’ll make a difference.

You can achieve this by decluttering an area.  Ridding yourself of things you no longer need or want anymore can help create a more relaxing environment.

It can help to prep for incoming belongings by donating the things you no longer use or love.

Donating may make you feel better and limiting your belongings can improve your mental functioning.

Another mental self-care practice that you can try during the holidays, is listening to holiday music or even your favorite podcast.

Mental self-care also includes keeping your mind sharp.  You can do that by playing games that involve strategy with family and friends.

Also, don’t forget your limits and know when it’s time to take a break and actually take it.  It can help to schedule a daily time to mentally recoup from all of the holiday wear.

Emotional Self-Care for Moms

Taking great care of our emotional wellbeing is having the ability to recognize our emotions and take care of them.

One great way to care for your emotions during the holidays is by writing a letter of gratitude to the people closest to you.  It feels good when we show our thankfulness to others.

Another great way to boost your mood during the holidays is by singing your favorite holiday hits.

Just like music can boost your mood, so can watching movies.  Try a light-hearted family movie like “Elf” or some other holiday movie.  It can help bring about the holiday spirit and inspire joy.

Another important factor in protecting and caring for your emotions is being mindful of the company you surround yourself with.

We may feel like we HAVE to be in the presence of people who aren’t good for us but that is not the true.  You can choose to limit contact or choose to completely avoid the person or people who emotionally wear you out. Doing so will help you feel better but also teach your children healthy boundaries.

Crafting During the Holidays

Social Self-Care for Moms

Taking care of our social needs is vital for it has a huge impact on our emotional and mental wellness.

Interacting with people who are good for us, can help improve our wellbeing.

During this time of year, there is plenty you can do with your loved ones.  One great way to meet your social needs is by making great memories.

You can make some great memories by participating in family traditions or even creating new ones.  Every year, I plan 12 Days of Christmas for the kids.  We spend 12 days leading up to Christmas doing fun things like making crafts, baking, visiting local Christmas events, and making amazing memories.

For introverted moms, social interactions can be draining but it is important to recognize when you need a break and give yourself a moment to recharge.

Spiritual Self-Care for Moms

Spiritual self-care is the act of managing an intimate relationship within yourself or the act of connecting to something bigger than yourself.

In some instances, it can involve religion but it does not have to.  Spiritual self-care can also play a role in your emotions and overall wellbeing.

During the holiday season, you can practice spiritual self-care by visiting your church, synagogue, temple, etc. with your family.

You can also spend time quietly meditating and centering yourself with mantras and positive affirmations.  These mindfulness activities can be helpful and make you more present.

Professional Self-Care for Moms

Professional self-care involves making decisions that help you with a healthy work-life balance.  

One great way to practice professional self-care is not taking on more than you can handle, especially during this time of the year.

Depending on your field of work, you may have more job tasks due to this time of the year.  But it can help to communicate with your supervisor or coworkers when tasks are becoming overwhelming.

It is important to know when you need help and to ask for it so that you can reduce feeling overloaded.

This may be a time when work may be hectic and overwhelming but remember if you do not have to work on work at home, leave work at work.  Too many times we allow work to consume our minds and moods at home.  This isn’t fair to our family or ourselves.

Pay close attention to when you may feel overloaded and set the appropriate boundaries at work.

Spending Money during the holiday or holidays

Financial Self-Care for Moms

Managing our finances is another critical part of self-care.

This may be the time of the year when you find yourself spending a lot of money.  But it is important to make peace with the idea that you can only afford so much.

Spending more than you actually have will only lead to increased stress.

It can help to make a list of all the events you plan to attend during the holidays and budget the expenses included.

It can also be helpful to make a list of the people you plan to buy for along with a budget for each.   

The temptation may be too great but remember what overspending will cause.  As moms, we may feel tempted to overspend for our kids but just remember they won’t love us any less if we don’t get everything they want.

If you find it difficult to budget and have enough money for the holidays, it could help to create monthly savings starting in January of next year.  You can save a little bit of money each month so that it is not as overwhelming once you get to the holidays.

Closing Thoughts

This time of the year can be filled with so many things to do and people to see, but it is vital to take care of yourself.  It will make the holidays more enjoyable if you’re not completely worn out, broke, or stressed.

Taking good care of yourself is not about pampering yourselves but it’s about living life well.

May this post help you get through the holidays smoothly mama.  And in the meantime, I’m wishing you good mental wellness!

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